Our nursery is a friendly "mom & pop" operation nestled in the middle of Thetford Center, a small picturesque Vermont town. Started by Elmer Brown in 1967, with just seven plants and a vision, E.C. Browns' Nursery, Inc. has expanded to supply interesting and hardy plants to the Upper Valley. We grow, sell and plant an ever-increasing selection of ornamental trees, shrubs, evergreens and herbaceous perennials.
Design and installation of complete landscape projects, both residential and commercial, continues to be a large focus of our business. During the landscape season, we generally have 2-3 crews of professional landscapers installing high quality plant material throughout the Upper Valley region. Right now our crews have a cumulative 75 years+ experience in planting and maintaining trees and shrubs.
At our retail location, we have an experienced plant person on site at all times to answer your questions. Our knowledgeable staff strives to keep abreast of the many new plant varieties to help the needs of the expanding gardening public -- plant "nuts" are our best friends! Although we carry most of the ironclad and standard plant choices, we try to focus on rarer and underused plants.