Open Bible Baptist Church, Ascutney, VT 05030 God's Word Our Standard, God's Glory Our Goal. Independent, Fundamental, Baptist
- 168 Cemetary Rd Windsor, VT 05089-
- (802) 674-2266
Community Bible Church is a Dynamic Church for Today's Culture. Bringing Jesus to today's world through the the power of the Holy Spirit
- 2025 Williston Rd South Burlington, VT 05403-6093
- (802) 863-1396
United Church of Lincoln, Vermont Baptist Methodist Sunday worship Sunday school Ministry youth, music, elderly, community Active Prayer Ministry,
- 23 Quaker St Lincoln, VT 05443-9270
- (802) 453-4280
Christ Memorial Church - Real Gospel Life
- 1033 Essex Rd Williston, VT 05495-7184
- (802) 878-7107
Church School Project to benefit the Committee on Temporary Shelter.
- 2 Cherry St Burlington, VT 05401-7304
- (802) 864-0471